Storage Craft ImageManager

Storage Craft ImageManager

What is StorageCraft ImageManager, and who should use it?

StorageCraft® ImageManager™ is free backup management software for IT administrators who use StorageCraft ShadowProtect® backup and recovery software. StorageCraft ImageManager provides continual backup image verification and local replication.

Additionally, this management software features consolidation and retention. An IT administrator who schedules continuous incremental backups, need this software to effectively maintain and manage the accumulated backup image files and the storage space they use. StorageCraft ImageManager collapses the incremental files into daily, weekly, monthly, and “rolling” files, which reduces the length of the backup chain needed for a recovery.

Effectively manage continuous backups:

Anyone who uses ShadowProtect will benefit from having StorageCraft ImageManager to verify backup images. However, those who employ a continuous incremental backup schedule must use StorageCraft ImageManager.

A continuous incremental schedule means that only one full backup is taken—from then on, all backups are incremental and can be taken as frequently as every 15 minutes. Continuous incremental backups are ideal for backing up high-availability servers or large data volumes. Using continuous incrementals reduces the backup window and backup image size—but they require managing. If left unmanaged, continuous incremental image chains become so long that they can hamper recovery efforts.

That’s where StorageCraft ImageManager comes in. StorageCraft ImageManager enables administrator to set consolidation and retention policies for ShadowProtect backups. These policies reduce the backup chain length and, in turn, the storage space needed while sustaining the organization’s capability for file and folder recovery. StorageCraft ImageManager premium features allow for replicating local backup images offsite and for pre-staging a recovery before a disaster ever happens.

A necessary element of backup and disaster recovery planning:

Scenarios for which IT administrators and other IT professionals use StorageCraft ImageManager:

-Verifying and re-verifying backup image files to ensure the backup is ready when needed

-Managing continuous incremental backup image chains through consolidation and retention policies

-Replicating backup images to a local drive so as to be prepared for the most common disasters, such as human error or hardware failure

-Replicating backup images over the network or remotely so as to be prepared for a site-wide disaster (requires buying a premium-feature job license)

-Reducing recovery time by pre-staging a backup on a virtual machine (VM) (requires buying a premium-feature job license).

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